We love getting the opportunity to hear from Boyd Brigman, our sweet friend of S3.
“Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
Where is “kindness” on your to-do list this afternoon?
Our worship rightly consists of honoring God with our words. But that cannot be the end of it. That is simply vocalizing what our activities should constantly reflect. Our love for the Father should be visible in our actions toward His children. Let me challenge you to amend your schedule today. As you prepare your calendar, intentionally set an action point to be kind to someone for no other reason than God told you to.
Be creative….Have fun with it. Amaze someone today with your compassion and they will then be receptive to your truth. We were created to love each other, and you will never feel more fulfilled then when you do so with your activities.
God didn’t just love us with words, He took action… difficult, expensive, sacrificial action. We should do the same.
It is your choice, today can be just another day, or you can choose to bless someone and make this day extraordinary for both of you!
I dare you to, be a blessing to someone today. I guarantee when you bless them, it will splash out all over you.
What actions do you have planned today to show your love for others?
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams
For more devo’s created by Boyd Brigman, check out his site: http://bigosbibletime.blogspot.com/?m=1