Patience is actively living for Christ in this life, knowing He has our best interests in mind.
“Don’t wish your life away,” is the wise advice I receive from my parents all too often. “I wish it was summer already. I wish I was in high school. I wish I was in college…” my siblings and I have said it all. We’re so eager to move on to something bigger and better, we miss out on the present. My pastor was recently discussing with me how every aspect of our daily lives (even the act of pouring a glass of tea) is important to God because He cares for us so much. Therefore, no phase or season of our lives may be found insignificant to Him either.
“For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14). We are to live for Christ in every breath-filled moment we have on this earth. I encourage you to read Ecclesiastes 12. It is a great chapter on why we should focus on God throughout our lives, as all else is vanity. I am eager to move on to the next chapter of my life; eager to escape the limits of adolescence. But there is no doubt once I enter “adult life,” I will come to another period of life where I want to move onto the next. Nevertheless, I should keep my focus on Christ, actively living for and trusting Him in every phase of life. I should stop wishing my life away and start being thankful for the time He has given me.
Challenge: As you wait for your next blessing and for your next season of life, I challenge you to actively live for Christ in the midst of your waiting.
Joy can be found in Him in the journey of patience. We tend to think He is punishing us through delaying blessings (or even not allowing them). On the contrary, this is such loving protection from our God and a blessing in and of itself. He knows what is best for us. He guides our lives in such a way, that even in our own free will, He orchestrates our circumstances and our decisions to ultimately benefit us. What an amazing and loving God we serve!
-Noah, an S3 leader