But if not…
Have you ever wanted something to go right so badly in life, but it takes a turn for the worse and you’re left devastated?
Right now is the perfect example of a devastating time in life: COVID-19. Many people had plans for the school year, going on trips, seeing family, and just socializing. Unfortunately, those plans were canceled because of shelter in place. I know for me it was really devastating because it was my senior year of high school. It was supposed to be one of the best years of my life. I was looking forward to hanging out with friends, going to prom, having a graduation party, and walking the stage with all of my family in the audience. It was a huge disappointment when I realized that the day before we left for spring break was the last normal day of school, and yes I bawled my eyes out.
However, there are examples in the Bible of people who have gone through worse. In the book of Job, Job had everything taken from him: his family, his herds, his land, and his health. He got to a point where he would rather die than continue to live. BUT along the way HE NEVER LOST FAITH in God, he continued to believe that God is more powerful than anything he could go through. This is a perfect example of how we should act when life abandons us.
If during our hard times everything is stripped away from us and our plans are ruined, we must trust, have faith, and praise God for the things he has given us, even if it doesn’t get better. God knows the plans he has for you; you may not understand them right now but just wait.
How will you choose to respond to things not going as planned? I challenge you to make a list of all the difficult circumstances you’ve gone through and think about how you handled them. Did you let them destroy you?
If something brought you down, how did you get back up? Remember God will provide to those who remain in their faith, Proverbs 3:3-4, James 1:12.
Thank you for sharing from your heart! We are all tempted to “lean on our own understanding,” These times certainly challenge us to hold fast to our faith in God even when nothing around us seems to make sense. May God bless you always.