Made in His Image
Genesis 1:27 ESV- So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
I want to talk about body image with you guys. Whether you think you’re “too skinny” or you think you’re “too fat,” I want to remind you that God loves you and He is so happy with the person He has created.
When I was a junior in high school, I was told I had to be put in a boot and I couldn’t finish the remainder of my cross country season. Over the next two years, I would find myself in this vicious cycle of, “I hate my body, I need to lose weight,” never losing the weight no matter how hard I worked out or how healthy I was eating, and then I would just give up. Learning to be okay with our bodies is so, so hard. We can always find something to critique and judge, but…God doesn’t critique or judge any part of your body. Anything you label an “imperfection” He labels “perfection!”
Matthew 6:25 ESV- “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” Dang, “Is not the body more than clothing?” Why do we spend so much of our time concerning ourselves with what clothes we wear and what clothes look good on us? Our bodies are more than the clothes we wear, it is a temple of God and we should treat it as such. I challenge you to pray about how you view yourself. Pray you can not only love who God made you to be, but also that you may be content in how God created you. Start each day by waking up and reminding yourself you are made in the image of the Father and pray for contentment!
I want you to know, you are not alone! You are noticed and loved deeply. The Lord will always be your comforter; when you’re feeling low, run to Him!! He is the only one who can fill the void.
Julia, Thank you for sharing. It’s a great message for students….but really is something people of all ages struggle with. Thank you for reminding us to focus on God’s great love for us-just as we are!