Hi! My name is Ifunanya Obinabo and I am a junior at Grapevine High School. I’ve been in Students Standing Strong (S3) since eighth grade when one of my friends introduced it to me.
In my opinion I’ve always been close to God, but being in S3 really helped me understand my relationship with Him and what that entails. Furthermore, our meetings helped me learn more about the Bible and the Word of God.
We spent a lot of time reviewing parts of the Bible and breaking it down to fully understand the message that God was trying to tell us through his disciples. By quoting the Bible often and listening to what was being said, I was able to learn more about my religion and what it means.
One of the quotes that I discovered during our meetings was from Isaiah Chapter 1 verse 17 and it reads: “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”
This really stuck with me because I feel that not only does it discuss morality, it is applicable to life regardless of religious belief. I’m always hearing how religion is fake or how it doesn’t make sense or how God doesn’t exist, but this quote seems to be above all that. I love it because it’s so inclusive, as you don’t need to be in a certain religion to follow it, it’s simply right.
This is amazing because it proves how immersive God is, how just by doing the right thing you are following His Word.
Additionally, quotes like this remind me that while religion is sacred, it’s existence and the existence of God is always a reminder to do better. To stand up for others, to forgive, to share what I have when I have it. It helps me be a better person, something that I think we all strive to do.
Through S3 I am able to communicate with others about the Lord and be free in my religion. I don’t need to restrict myself or change, I can simply just live in the Word. I learned so much from it and I enjoy teaching as well. I can’t wait for another year and I can’t wait for other schools to get to experience this club like I have!
– Ifunanya
Ify, I am so proud of you and your strong stewardship for the Lord! I have been blessed to watch you grow into the strong Godly young woman that you are today. You inspire and encourage others to walk with the Lord by your joyful spirit and contagious smile! Your future is bright with your faithfulness and Love for the Lord! I am excited to watch you conquer the world. Blessings, Mrs. Edwards
So blessed by you and your testimony. May God continues to bless & keep growing in your faith in Jesus’Name!