Hi! I’m Blanca. It is hard for me to put into words what Students Standing Strong (S3) means to me. I found S3 when I was looking for something for my children. I did some research and I loved the concept of S3 because it encourages students to teach others. Our club is an outreach. We have some core leaders, but different students come every week. These students are curious about God and looking for community.
For me personally, my role is both passive and active. It is passive because my kids are the leaders. But my role is also active. For these past five years of our club, God has been teaching me how to be very active in prayer. Even though I am not talking or teaching, I am praying, listening, and loving the students who come to our club. My heart is to show God’s love to them through actions and my love for them. And I love them unconditionally.
One student shared with me that when she comes to the club she feels accepted. Another student said she felt blessed by the food. The kids come for different reasons, and even if they don’t know why, they still come. We have been so blessed by S3. It is a very important part of my life and my family’s life. My prayer for our club is that the seeds being planted for JESUS in the students’ hearts will grow strong.
Blanca, your words express the heart and mission of Students Standing Strong! Thank you for serving students for all these years so they may meet Jesus and grow to love? Obey and serve them with all their hearts!
Such a powerful testimony! Praise God!