Blanca – S3 Adult Coordinator, Morenci, AZ
About 4 years ago, my family and I moved to a very small town in Arizona. We were grateful for our little church and our new family in Christ, but my heart ached for Christian young ones to come to church for our children’s sake.
Knowing our Lord Jesus is so good and believing our prayers were heard, an idea came: Instead of just praying for more young ones to come to church, what if we started looking throughout the community? In the schools? What possibilities are out there? How can we do it? All these questions were clearly answered by the first option that appeared online for “Youth ministries in Middle School”: Students Standing Strong (S3) Club!
At the time, no other Christian Student-led Clubs like S3 existed in our town or state. It required the Lord’s intervention to open up the doors. Guess what? He did it! Three months later, in October 2018 we started our first club meeting in Middle School! By God’s grace our kids were able to open a second Club last year in the High School, with an average of 20 to 25 kids per week.
There are many blessings our Lord Jesus has given us through Students Standing Strong Club:
- Answered prayers!
- Our role as parents has changed with our son (now 15 yrs. old) and our daughter (now 12,) from actively teaching them about God’s Word, to “coaching” them over how to share the Gospel with others and become leaders in their faith!
- Our kids have learned how to communicate with the school staff and with other students while standing firm in their faith.
- Connections have been made with students that don’t go to church but are open to the Gospel.
- New friendships have formed.
- During the pandemic, through zoom meetings we have been able to connect with other clubs across the country, which has been a great encouragement for our family, especially our kids.
- Through S3 Club we were able to connect with “Claim your Campus” and pray on Instagram nationally.
And the list of praises and blessings goes on.We are very grateful to our Lord Jesus for Students Standing Strong and rejoice as He is working through so many faithful students across the country!
I’m so glad you took the time to share your story. I am so encouraged by your leap of faith to listen to God’s leading to take action! Remember 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 says, “Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.”
What a blessing you are Blanca! God is using you and your children for His good.