Stand Firm!
You may live in the world, but don’t live OF the world. We constantly are told that we need to fit in with everyone else in the world. Standing out in today’s society is not easy, and it’s not exactly appealing either. By standing out, we feel that we may be made fun of or persecuted, even when it comes to our faith. But God calls us to stand out!
As Christians, our main goal is to glorify God and follow what the Bible tells us to do in order to bring others to Him, but that can be really difficult for students. Our peers may not share our beliefs and maybe living a worldly lifestyle. They may be doing things that do not go along with what the Bible calls us to do, such as cussing, drinking, etc. Although you may feel the need to follow your peers in order to fit in, we need to keep in mind that God brought us to this Earth in order to be set apart from the sins of the world. By giving into peer pressure, you are not glorifying God. By being unkind or disrespectful to other people just because that’s how everyone else may be acting is not glorifying God.
2 Corinthians 10:4 says,“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world”, meaning that we are called to be set apart and to show others love and kindness and stand firm in our faith. Listen to His Word and what He tells us to do!
Even though it may be difficult to stand up against the sins of the world, God is there for you! He understands if you mess up, He loves you no matter what and will be there for you while you try to make things right. Joining Christian Clubs, like Students Standing Strong (S3), is a really good start to be surrounded by Godly people in a secular world. Being in S3 gave me such a great start in my high school career because I was surrounded by people who loved God just as much as I did and were there to remind me to glorify Him in all that I do. Through S3, I made such a solid friend group that encouraged me to not give in to the things of the world, to STAND FIRM!!!
Challenge: I challenge you to glorify God in your everyday lives by standing apart from everyone else.
You are a Child of God! Show off your amazing Creator! Show everyone that you are a proud Child of God no matter what anyone says or what anyone else is doing! Don’t fit in with the world, stand out, and stand firm in God!
– Keeley, S3 Student
I love hearing how S3 helped to provide you such a solid friend group!
Keeley, What an encouraging word you have shared! It’s my desire that all students would be invited to join a Students Standing Strong club at their school or start one if there isn’t already an S3 club. Im posting your great blog to my facebook page! Thank you for standing Strong for Him!
Keely, well said! You are a very wise Godly young leader and you will have GREAT success in your future endeavors! Mrs. Edwards
Keely, thank you for the words of encouragement and challenge. Sometimes we Christians get so caught up in worrying about ourselves we miss out on the simple opportunities to support and encourage our fellow believers and to simply BE KIND to everyone.